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Daughters for Earth Launches to Raise $100 million for Women-Led Efforts to Protect and Restore the Earth

New campaign mobilizes women around the world to engage on climate action

LOS ANGELES, March 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Daughters for Earth, a new campaign to mobilize women around the world to engage in climate action, launched today at SXSW. The initiative is co-founded by female leaders in women's rights, climate and philanthropic sectors who recognized that women-led efforts to protect and restore the Earth continue to be undervalued and drastically underfunded.

The founders include Jody Allen, CEO of Wild Lives Foundation and co-founder of the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Zainab Salbi, founder of Women for Women International, Justin Winters, Executive Director & Co-Founder of One Earth, and Rachel Rivera, COO of Wild Lives Foundation.

Daughters for Earth is raising $100 million dollars from a movement of women to put more capital into the hands of women working on climate solutions on the ground, recognizing both the disproportionate impact of the climate crisis on women and girls and the powerful, sustainable impact they can have on their communities. Daughters for Earth is made possible through One Earth, an organization driving collective action to solve the climate crisis through groundbreaking science, inspiring storytelling, and an innovative approach to scaling climate philanthropy.

Women-led community development has the greatest financial impact, and women have proven to be the most responsible custodians of the land. Yet less than 2% of global philanthropy is directed towards the environment, and only 0.2% of all charitable funding goes to women-led environmental action. Daughters for Earth will address this shortfall by scaling and amplifying women-led climate solutions.

"The latest United Nations IPCC report is clear – we are running out of time to preserve essential ecosystems and change the trajectory of global warming," said Allen. "A shift in funding is what will truly move the needle and we are confident that with enough capital, women will drive scalable impact across land and marine conservation as well as regenerative agriculture."

"Women are the most impacted by climate crisis. They have been frontline warriors fighting to protect and restore earth. Yet their voices are not heard, their efforts not supported, and their contributions not seen.  We are here to change that story," said Salbi

"Science shows that all the solutions to the climate crisis exist today. We must act quickly to radically scale funding for women leaders who are driving the change we need and actively creating the vibrant, just future that's possible. This is an opportunity we simply cannot afford to miss," said Winters.  

The campaign has already made its first round of grants to over 20 inspiring women-led, and women operated projects that work to protect and restore nature, and regenerate the Earth. Grantees include the Ceibo Alliance, whose Indigenous, women-led efforts resulted in protecting over 280,000 acres of pristine Amazonian rainforest; Akashinga, an all-women anti-poaching effort protecting elephants in Zimbabwe, and Swayam Shikshan Prayog, an organization in India that is scaling regenerative farming practices that build soil health, support biodiversity, and sequester carbon.

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For media inquiries please contact Kelsey Thompson,

About Daughters for Earth
Daughters for Earth is a new campaign and philanthropic fund dedicated to mobilizing women around the world to actively engage in climate action by supporting women-led efforts to protect and restore the Earth.  Women understand innately that the health of the land and the health of our Earth is directly tied to the health of their families and their communities. However, women-led initiatives continue to be undervalued and drastically underfunded.  Daughters aims to change that paradigm by raising and deploying $100 million dollars to women-led efforts to protect, restore, and regenerate the Earth and center women's rights. The initiative is co-founded by female leaders in the women's rights, climate change and philanthropic sectors who came together to address the marginalization of women in climate change action, and is powered by One Earth, an organization working to accelerate collective action to solve the climate crisis.

About the panel at SXSW 2022
Supporting Women-Led Efforts to Protect and Restore the Earth: Women are our lands' natural caretakers, but they have been marginalized in the global effort to solve the climate crisis. To save our planet, we must change this. Daughters for Earth is a new initiative that will inspire people around the world to actively engage in climate action by supporting on-the-ground, women-led efforts to protect and restore the Earth. Audiences can walk away learning how and why. The panel will take place on Tuesday, March 15, from 2:30pm3:30pm CT at the Hilton Austin Downtown.

About One Earth
One Earth is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring the collective action that's necessary to rebalance our climate and create a just and vibrant future. The latest science, led by One Earth, shows we can achieve the 1.5°C goal through three pillars of action – a just transition to 100% renewable energy, protection and restoration of half of the world's lands and oceans, and a shift to regenerative agriculture. Through groundbreaking science, inspiring storytelling, and an innovative approach to climate philanthropy, One Earth works to rapidly deploy urgently needed resources to frontline leaders and organizations directly implementing on-the-ground climate solutions today.

SOURCE Daughters for Earth